As previously reported, the FCC issued an order and Final Rule to update the Commission’s Over-the-Air Reception Devices (OTARD) rule, with notable impact on multifamily and commercial properties. Better known in the industry as the FCC’s satellite dish rule, the limited expansion and changes to OTARD adopted by the FCC are aimed at speeding the deployment of wireless infrastructure across the country to help bridge the digital divide. As the Rule was being finalized, NMHC led a coalition of real estate stakeholders to protect property rights by urging caution by the FCC when dealing with deployment of infrastructure on leased residential or commercial property.
To help NMHC members navigate the new rule and better understand the real-world implications of the changes, NMHC’s outside FCC Counsel, Matt Ames of Hubacher, Ames and Taylor crafted a comprehensive guidance document. The guidance provided by NMHC will help apartment firms understand their rights and responsibilities and the rights of residents and broadband providers under existing and future leases and rooftop agreements.
Additional Resources:
- FCC Issues Rule Protecting Property Rights, Speeds Wireless Infrastructure Deployment
- NMHC Broadband and Connectivity Topic Page
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Related Resources
- Coalition Letter to Fannie Mae in Support of Solar Projects in Rental Housing
- Real Estate Industry Letter to HUD on Draft Notice on Solar, Cell Tower and Rooftop Leases
- Bulk Broadband Alliance Letter to the FCC on Bulk Billing
- NMHC-NAA Comment Letter to the Treasury Department on AI in Financial Services
- NMHC-NAA Statement for House Committee on Financial Services Hearing on AI in Financial Services and Housing