Housing Affordability
A growing number of working families are struggling to find housing they can afford. Federal, state and local governments must reduce barriers to developing more rental housing and leverage the strength of the private sector to both produce new housing and preserve existing apartments. Read our Fact Sheet to learn more.
Housing Equity Guide
NMHC, working with Enterprise Community Partners, created this Guide as a resource to help highlight ways that multifamily housing can help improve outcomes for underserved populations by supporting the advancement of housing equity in communities across the country.
The Housing Affordability Toolkit helps guide discussions regarding specific housing affordability policies, tools, and incentives. It is divided into six sections and each section delves into a specific component of addressing the affordability challenge.
Featured News
Appearing as a witness at the Committee’s hearing, titled Tax Policy’s Role In Increasing Affordable Housing Supply for Working Families, NMHC President Sharon Wilson Géno provided lawmakers background on the challenge at hand and how we can tackle it.
Read MoreFact Sheet
More information on affordable housing, in addition to the NMHC/NAA viewpoint.
Read MoreFeatured Article
In this Research Notes, we examine the growth rate of apartment rents relative to the price of all consumer goods (overall inflation) as well as the monthly cost of homeownership. We find that real apartment rent growth—the amount by which rent growth exceeds inflation—has slowed since the outbreak of COVID and even turned negative within certain markets and unit types. Meanwhile, the premium to buy a new home relative to what it costs to rent an apartment rose to its highest level since the peak of the housing bubble in the mid-2000s.
Read the Full Research NotesPodcast
Meet the National Multifamily Housing Council’s new president, Sharon Wilson Géno. With more than three decades of housing law, policy and operations experience, Sharon is focused on advocating for the production of, and access to, more market rate and affordable housing. Listen to the podcast for a bright vision for the future of multifamily and what that could mean for solving America’s affordable housing crisis.
- NMHC and NAA Send Letter to White House Highlighting Regulations for Review
- Media Coverage of Pricing Software in Rental Housing Misleads the Public
- Section 8 Policy Updates
- Harris vs. Trump: Where the 2024 Presidential Candidates Stand on Key Housing Issues
- Federal Rent Control: Quickly Dismissed by Economic Policy Experts
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
- Three NMHC Victories as HUD Withdraws Criminal Screening and AFFH Proposed Rule, Adjusts FHA Policies
- Workforce Housing Tax Credit (WFHTC)
- Real Estate Industry Statement for HFSC Hearing on Innovation Revolution
- Real Estate Industry Letter to HUD on Draft Notice on Solar, Cell Tower and Rooftop Leases
- 2024 NMHC State of Multifamily Risk Survey & Report: Elevated Costs and Increased Risk Continue to Threaten Housing Affordability
- Behind the High Cost of Rent
- Building Blocks: How Tax Incentives Lay the Foundation for Housing Growth
- Source of Income Laws By State, County and City
- NMHC Report: Rent Regulation Policy in the United States