Washington, D.C. - The National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) today announced the opening of the second annual Apartment Industry Innovation Challenge, in conjunction with the launch of a new multifamily innovation website. The site seeks to bring apartment operators, startups, legacy technology providers, venture capitalists and anyone interested in PropTech, RentTech, FinTech and ConstrucTech together.
“As the leadership of the trillion-dollar apartment industry, NMHC is committed to creating an ecosystem that allows technology and innovation to flourish in our sector,” said Rick Haughey, NMHC’s Vice President of Industry Technology Initiatives.
“We recognized the potential for these new technologies to not only disrupt existing operations, but also to create whole new business strategies and opportunities for apartment operators,” said Haughey. “Our Innovation Initiative, launched two years ago, seeks to help apartment firms navigate the constantly evolving landscape of technology and innovation.”
Given the national housing affordability crisis, the 2019 Innovation Challenge seeks new solutions to help reduce construction costs or shorten delivery time, allowing the apartment sector to better meet the nation’s middle- and low-income housing needs. Submissions are due by September 27. More details are available at https://innovation.nmhc.org/innovation-challenge/.
NMHC also identified the need to bring apartment firms, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists together and to create a single source of information for all things related to apartment innovation. NMHC’s new NMHC Innovation Portal seeks to meet that need, providing information and networking opportunities for those focused on the future of the apartment sector.
The site features an innovation resource center, which includes a curated collection of articles, reports, webinars and content hubs related to innovation, as well as resources to meet people, find money and learn more about the policy landscape that governs the sector. The portal serves as a bridge connecting the industry with the many players currently in this constantly evolving space and will continue to grow with input from all of them.
“NMHC looks forward to serving as the industry’s partner and helping them navigate and make sense of this exciting, and sometimes overwhelming, new world ” said Haughey.
Based in Washington, D.C., the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) is the leadership of the trillion-dollar apartment industry. We bring together the prominent apartment owners, managers and developers who help create thriving communities by providing apartment homes for 39 million Americans. NMHC provides a forum for insight, advocacy and action that enables both members and the communities they help build to thrive. For more information, contact NMHC at 202/974-2300, e-mail the Council at info@nmhc.org.