WASHINGTON, DC -- The National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) today announced the first-ever rebranding in the organization’s 36-year history. The Council debuted a new logo and visual identity, a small, but important change to its name and a new tagline that captures the leadership and exclusivity that characterize the organization.
“What we’re launching today is much more than just a new logo,” said Doug Bibby, NMHC President. “An organization’s brand is everything it says and everything it does. We’ve spent the past 18 months working with two of the leading brand consultants in the country - Forge Branding and Pentagram Design-to create a strong foundation for NMHC’s brand going forward.”
“The industry has changed significantly from its mom and pop roots,” explained Bibby. “And so has NMHC, having expanded beyond just advocacy into research, best practices, events and conferences, public relations and high level networking opportunities.”
“This new brand is designed to bridge the gap between who we were 36 years ago and who we are today, and it is designed to better reflect the sophistication of the now $1.1 trillion apartment industry,” said Bibby.
“The most visible elements of our rebranding are the new logo and new look,” said Kim Duty, Senior Vice President for Public Affairs and Industry Initiatives. “But we’ve also created a new brand mission and brand tenets that we’ll use to apply to our strategic plan to ensure we are building on our vision. This will result in a number of new initiatives in the coming months, including a new web site, new newsletters and updating many of our other services.”
The most immediate changes are to the organization’s name and tagline. The National Multi Housing Council has changed to the National Multifamily Housing Council to help important stakeholders outside of the industry, namely policymakers, better understand the focus of the organization.
A new tagline, Apartment Leadership Resides Here, also captures the fact that NMHC is the place where prominent owners, managers and developers gather to create individual, organizational and industry success.
More information on the new brand identity is available here.
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Based in Washington, DC, the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) is the leadership of the trillion-dollar apartment industry. We bring together the prominent owners, managers and developers who help create thriving communities by providing apartment homes for 35 million Americans. NMHC provides a forum for insight, advocacy and action that enables both members and the communities they help build to thrive. For more information, contact NMHC at 202/974-2300, e-mail the Council at info@nmhc.org, or visit NMHC's Web site at www.nmhc.org.