Statement from the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) and National Apartment Association (NAA), on introduction of the “Respect State Housing Laws Act” by Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA):
For nearly three years, housing providers have navigated immense financial and operational challenges that are further exacerbated by federal interference into the highly localized eviction process. Though evictions are a measure of last resort, this necessary legal process is thoroughly regulated at the state and local levels, and the federal government’s intrusion continues to cause confusion and operational difficulties that are not without consequence. This prolonged disturbance to housing operations ultimately harms housing affordability and availability, as 91 cents of each rent dollar pays the expenses that keep housing running.
NMHC and NAA applaud the introduction of the “Respect State Housing Laws Act,” which will help restore normal rental housing operations by ending the federal CARES Act Notice to Vacate requirement. NMHC and NAA thank Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) for his leadership on this important issue.
For more than 26 years, the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) and the National Apartment Association (NAA) have partnered on behalf of America's apartment industry. Drawing on the knowledge and policy expertise of staff in Washington, D.C., as well as the advocacy power of 142 NAA state and local affiliated associations, NAA and NMHC provide a single voice for developers, owners and operators of multifamily rental housing. One-third of all Americans rent their housing, and 36.8 million of them live in an apartment home.