NMHC joined 430 business associations on May 1 urging Congress to improve our legal immigration system and enact border security measures. The letter addresses the broken nature of our current immigration system and seeks to provide support for a bipartisan compromise this year.
NMHC’s Viewpoint: NMHC member companies continue to face workforce shortages across the country. Not only can immigrant workers provide a critical supply of labor for the multifamily industry, but immigrants are also a key driver of apartment demand.
Unfortunately, recent attempts by Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform have fallen short. Under our current divided government in Washington – Democratic control of the White House and Senate and Republican control of the House – a targeted immigration package anchored by border security measures and legal immigration reform now stands the best chance at success.
Going Forward: NMHC will continue to monitor Congressional and Administrative actions on immigration policy and urge policymakers to seek solutions to persistent labor shortages.
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