In one of his first executive actions, President Biden issued a memorandum on the discriminatory housing practices that impact those renting or purchasing a home. NMHC is encouraged by the possibility to partner on issues that address housing affordability and help break down artificial barriers to new housing in communities that desperately need it.
Multifamily housing is particularly burdened by discriminatory land use and zoning laws that only serve to exacerbate housing supply and affordability challenges. We will continue to engage in this important dialogue as the country works to remove systemic barriers so that all have access to safe and equitable housing, regardless of whether they rent or own their home.
NMHC aims to ensure that federal policy protects nondiscrimination in housing while supporting housing providers ability to develop, own and operate their properties. The Memorandum on redressing our nation’s and the federal government’s history of discriminatory housing practices and policies looks at redlining policies and reviews changes made to several rules under the previous administration to evaluate their impact on access to fair housing. Specifically, President Biden directed HUD to review its position on disparate impact under the Fair Housing Act.
As the country takes stock of continued racial injustice, NMHC will work with policymakers to ensure that reasonable housing policies support diverse, equitable and inclusive communities. To learn more about NMHC’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, please visit NMHC DEI Initiative landing page.
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