Copyright: Mark Van Scyoc
NMHC/NAA joined other industry associations on a Davis-Bacon letter requesting modifications to the use of Davis-Bacon wages for HUD assisted program.
In 2014, HUD reversed longstanding policy that Davis-Bacon did not apply when an existing housing project- based Section 8 voucher contract was executed, and repair and rehabilitation was subsequently or simultaneously performed. At the time, opposition was voiced but HUD moved forward with the change.
The letter sent requested that HUD reconsider this “reinterpretation” and clarify and confirm that Davis Bacon applies to HUD programs that are used to support new construction of affordable housing and excludes applicability to any programs (including RAD) that are used to preserve existing affordable housing properties.
In a related matter, NMHC/NAA participated in a coalition letter to the Department of Labor asking for two critical changes to Davis Bacon wage determination rules – as reported previously.
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