The National Green Building Standard (NGBS) is an important tool for the multifamily sector, providing green building criteria for all residential properties and developed with input from the apartment industry. The latest update of the NGBS will include an important change that expands the range of projects eligible for certification under the Standard. Mixed-use multifamily projects will now be able to use the NGBS for both the residential and commercial portions of buildings – eliminating the need for multiple green building programs.
NMHC/NAA served on the initial development committee for the NGBS and NMHC’s Vice President, Construction, Development and Land Use Policy, Paula Cino, serves as the Vice-Chair of the new Consensus Committee. The Committee will meet in May to consider additional proposed changes to the Standard, with completion of the next edition expected later this year.
The NGBS has been widely used throughout the industry and has been incorporated into numerous sustainability initiatives at the jurisdictional level. Multifamily market share of the NGBS continues to trend upwards, and to date, 3,388 multifamily projects have been certified under the NGBS, totaling more than 120,000 apartment units. An additional 92,000 multifamily units are currently in the certification pipeline.
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