Copyright: macgyverhh
The revelation that Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump carried forward over $900 million in tax losses has sparked many to scrutinize tax provisions used across numerous business sectors, including real estate. The provisions include partnership rules, like-kind exchanges, carried interest and depreciation. As Washington continues to debate tax reform, these and other provisions will remain in play.
NMHC and NAA are working to educate policymakers about the key role of the provisions in helping our industry to develop and operate multifamily housing, but making investments economic and efficiently allocating capital.
We are also using a fact-based approach to describe how investment costs will rise if these provisions are capriciously modified and the resulting impact on workforce housing and development writ large. And finally, we are making the case that most of the tax provisions being discussed in the media are used by many industries in addition to real estate. More information on these and other key issues affecting the industry is available at