Copyright: Chones
Based on market share, the National Green Building Standard (NGBS) is now the leading standard for sustainability that is adopted by developers of housing, including multifamily housing. This is according to data from Home Innovation Research Labs.
The NGBS beat out regional standards like Earthcraft and Green Built, and even national standards like Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Homes.
An important tool for the apartment sector, the NGBS provides industry-specific guidance for multifamily green building. NMHC/NAA have participated in the development of the NGBS since its inception, and are actively working on an update that is expected within the next year.
Home Innovation Research Labs anticipates passing the 50,000 certified homes benchmark soon and most of the certifications are multifamily buildings. That includes large projects that involve 60 and 70 story buildings currently under construction and expected to be certified within the year.
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