On-site magazines and printed material
NMHC is open to having media publications available for attendees at some of our events. Such distribution needs to be organized in advance with the NMHC meetings team. However, please note that should the magazines violate our logo use policies, be used to promote competing events, jeopardize NMHC’s existing sponsorship or partnership agreements, or otherwise misrepresent the business relationship between our organizations, we reserve the right to pull them from display.
NMHC logos
Outside of any materials such as ads that we provide directly to our media partners for a specific agreed-upon placement, NMHC logos, which include our sub-brands and events, may not be used on any print or digital materials without explicit approval from NMHC. This means our logo cannot appear, for example, on magazine covers or on magazine pages and inserts, in print or digital newsletters, or on any other media including but not limited to promotional materials and signage without advance NMHC approval. NMHC requires a detailed description and/or graphical representation of how the logo will be used when evaluating the request.
Private events
We appreciate that our meetings and events provide an opportunity for media attendees to conduct additional business. To preserve value for our sponsors and exhibitors, we strongly encourage you to organize these types of meetings or events on site. However, in cases where you choose to hold a private event off site, please let NMHC know about your event in advance. In addition, NMHC does not provide any promotion of private events.
NMHC’s Policy on Suitcasing and Outboarding prohibits scheduling any events during NMHC programming or exhibit hall hours. Scheduling a private event during programming or exhibit hall hours unfairly capitalizes on NMHC’s marketing and branding, diminishes the value of the investment made by sponsors and exhibitors and ultimately deprives NMHC and its official partners of revenue. Such actions are in violation of established policies and apply equally to all registered and non-registered attendees, including sponsors, exhibitors and members of the media.
Promotional materials
NMHC works with a wide variety of partners and, as a result, NMHC cannot promote individual companies, products or events in the absence of an agreement that complies with NMHC’s policies and other sponsorship and partnership agreements. NMHC provides a wide variety of opportunities for companies to showcase their products and services, not the least of which are our exhibit booths. For that reason, we prohibit individuals or companies from distributing promotional materials like fliers, brochures, postcards, etc., to attendees anywhere on site, including in the exhibit halls, hallways, registration area, meeting rooms, etc., during NMHC events. Such actions give non-exhibiting individuals and companies an unfair competitive advantage over those who have made an investment to exhibit during NMHC’s events.
In some cases, our contracts with keynote speakers prohibit them from doing interviews or participating in other events. However, when those constraints are not in place, we kindly ask that you let us know in advance of any requests for interviews or appearances. Conference schedules are always changing and we want to avoid any scheduling conflicts that have the potential to prevent speakers from fulfilling their contractual obligations with NMHC. Similarly, should you see an opportunity to take advantage of our speakers’ appearances at our conferences with something like a book signing or distribution, such activities must comply with NMHC’s Media Policies. We also ask that, as a courtesy, you discuss with NMHC in advance. We will try our best to accommodate the request.
Event coverage
We enjoy hosting media at our industry events and encourage coverage of the events in print, online and on social media platforms. However, media should consider all information shared and discussions heard at NMHC member-only conferences off the record, meaning not for public distribution or attribution without the explicit consent of either someone from NMHC’s communications team or the speaker.
Such restrictions are generally not in place for NMHC events that include non-members, as they are considered public events. However, from time to time, there are speakers, sessions and presentation materials that may not be photographed or otherwise recorded, quoted or distributed, and we ask that members of the media respect those rules. Similarly, there are some events, sessions, roundtables, town halls, etc., that are reserved exclusively for multifamily owner, manager or development firms only, which means exhibitors, supplier partners and media cannot attend.
In addition, we ask that anything written or reported on from our events are properly attributed. For example, please refer to the events by their proper names rather than as an “industry event” or something similar. Similarly, when posting items on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, please tag NMHC and use our event hashtags.
Professional courtesy
NMHC events bring together the industry’s leading stakeholders. We take pride in our ability to assemble these groups and greatly value these long-term relationships. To that end, for these relationships to grow, we expect event participants and attendees to represent themselves and their interests candidly. In addition, we expect participants and attendees to respect NMHC’s brand and reputation, along with our investments and efforts in organizing these events, and act with transparency and professionalism on site.
For general media inquiries, please contact Jim Lapides, Senior Vice President, External Affairs.
For questions related to our meetings, please contact Deanita Davis, Vice President of Meetings.
For questions regarding sponsorship opportunities, please contact Melissa Rowan, Associate Vice President of Sponsorships, Exhibits and Member Experience.