A few tips on sending/responding to listserve emails:
- Please review NMHC's Listserve Rules and Etiquette and NMHC's Antitrust Policy before participating in listerve conversations
- If you subscribe to the daily digest version, please do not resend a digest back to the e-mail list. It is better to simply cutting and pasting the relevant parts of the digest into your response.
- Using the reply button in your e-mail application will automatically send your response to the entire list.
- To reply directly to a member of the list, forward the e-mail and copy and paste his or her e-mail address into the "To" line.
- Identify yourself with a signature tag in all messages. Include your name, association, location, telephone number, and e-mail address.
- Select “Settings” next to the listserve name to view and update your delivery settings.
- You can modify your delivery settings for each listserve you subscribe to.
You can opt to receive messages as individual emails as they are submitted to the listserve or you can opt to receive a daily digest of all the emails sent on a given day in one transmission.
To set your preferences for the listserve, visit the Subscriber’s Corner at http://lists.nmhc.org/scripts/wa-NMHC.exe to change your subscription settings.
Log in to www.nmhc.org/My-Account and click on the Communication Options and Professional Info tab to unsubscribe to NNHC listserves.
It may take up to five business days to register your subscription modification.
- Select “Settings” next to the listserve name to view and update your delivery settings.
- You can modify your delivery settings for each listserve you subscribe to.
You can opt to receive messages as individual emails as they are submitted to the listserve or you can opt to receive a daily digest of all the emails sent on a given day in one transmission.
To set your preferences for the listserve, visit the Subscriber’s Corner at http://lists.nmhc.org/scripts/wa-NMHC.exe to change your subscription settings.
Visit http://lists.nmhc.org/scripts/wa-NMHC.exe to view the archives. You may need to set up a password to view the archives. This is not related to your NMHC account user credentials.
- For technical questions, please contact NMHC’s Susan Yuk at syuk@nmhc.org.
- For content-related questions about the General Counsel listserve, please contact Betsy Feigin Befus at bbefus@nmhc.org.
- For content-related questions about the Research listserve, please contact Caitlin Walter at cwalter@nmhc.org.
- For content-related questions about the Emergency Preparedness listserve, please contact Kevin Donnelly at kdonnelly@nmhc.org.