This meeting has been canceled
2020 NMHC Leadership Forum on Diversity & Inclusion is Canceled
As the COVID-19 situation has evolved rapidly, we are taking the federal government’s advice to avoid large gatherings for the next eight weeks. That means we are canceling our Leadership Forum on Diversity & Inclusion to protect the health and safety of our members and our staff. We appreciate you having registered to attend. Here is what you need to know going forward.
Meeting Registration Cancellation – No Action Needed
There is no need to take any action related to your registration. Since there was no cost to attend this meeting, we will automatically cancel all the registrations. If, for some reason, you need documentation noting the cancellation, please email
Hotel Room Cancellation – Might Need Action
If you booked a hotel room within our room block at the Four Seasons, your hotel reservation will automatically be cancelled. If you booked a room outside of our block, at the Four Seasons or another local hotel, you will need to cancel your reservation. If you are unsure as to whether your reservation at the Four Seasons was made in our group block, you can contact the hotel directly at 972/717-0700.
NMHC Resources
As a reminder, NMHC has three primary resources for firms related to the COVID-19 virus.
- NMHC guidance on preparing for and responding to COVID-19 related to your properties and your workforce.
- COVID-19 Resources landing page with links to the most important third-parties with relevant information to our industry.
- NMHC Emergency Preparedness Listserve where you can ask industry colleagues questions or share what you are doing to respond.
We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time of great uncertainty. If you have any questions about your meeting or hotel cancellations, please do not hesitate to email
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Ferguson Partners
Trammell Crow Residential
The Bozzuto Group