Research Corner: Featured Article
In January 2017, the City of San Francisco passed a mandatory access law (MAL) designed to address this issue. A 2019 analysis conducted by NMHC, however, found no observable relationship between the presence of state mandatory access laws (MALs) and a multi-tenant environment (MTE) household’s likelihood of having broadband Internet access.
Telecommunications Fact Sheet
More information on telecommunications, in addition to the NMHC/NAA viewpoint.
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On February 15, 2022, the FCC issued a Report and Order and Declaratory Ruling in a proceeding that apartment owners have been watching closely for nearly five years. To help NMHC members navigate the new rule and better understand the real-world implications of the changes, NMHC’s outside FCC Counsel, Matt Ames of Hubacher, Ames and Taylor crafted a comprehensive resource document.
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To help NMHC members navigate the new rule and better understand the real-world implications of the changes, NMHC’s outside FCC Counsel, Matt Ames of Hubacher, Ames and Taylor crafted a comprehensive guidance document.
- NMHC-NAA Statement for House Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing on Bulk Billing
- NMHC-NAA Ex-parte Letter to FCC on Bulk Billing
- NMHC NAA Comments to FCC on Digital Discrimination
- Real Coalition Comments to National Telecommunications and Information Administration Regarding BEAD
- NMHC Coalition Letter to FCC Regarding Broadband Choice