Copyright: Iculig
HUD published a proposed rule on April 1 that would fully implement the 2013 Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization (VAWA), which includes housing provisions. The proposal asks for feedback on establishing emergency transfer provisions, documentation standards, and requirements for apartment firms to distribute property-wide disclosures of domestic violence incidents at resident application, move-in and lease termination.
The multifamily industry continues to support ensuring protections and affordable housing for victims. There are concerns, however, that private apartment firms may not have vacant units available for emergency transfers like federal housing. NMHC/NAA is asking members to contact Lisa Blackwell at with comments by May 1. We will collect and share them with key HUD staff.
Housing provisions were first incorporated into VAWA in 2006 and then expanded in the 2013 reauthorization. The Act applies to Section 8 voucher and project-based programs, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit properties, HOME and other programs.
VAWA prohibits denying or terminating housing assistance on the basis that an applicant or tenant is a victim of domestic or dating violence, sexual assault or stalking. Although the Act mentions women in its title, the protections are for all victims regardless of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or age.